Derrick is an executive with a large financial firm. Any time his investments do poorly, he throws temper tantrums and breaks things. Then he starts barking orders at his secretary.
Which personality structure would Freud say is exerting control?
A) eogB) superstructureC) idD) preconsciousE) superego

Answer :




Id, Ego, Superego are part of the personality. Sigmund Freud has been proposed these terms in his personality theory. These terms work on principle.  

Id work on the pleasure principle. This is the first level of personality. In this type of personality, a person thinks about himself. He just wants whatever he wants. The focus of an individual is only on the self, pleasure-seeking behavior.  

  • Ego work on the reality principle
  • Superego principle work on morality principle

Thus Derrick is an executive whose personality works on the Id pleasure principle.

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