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Intro ...
Have you ever spent the night over with your friends? If yes, then you know how it feels like. I have a few friends but I did not expect to have so much fun that day since it was just a sleepover. Those friends are like my family and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Sitting in the couch,one of my friends comes up to me and asks, " Have you ever been in love ?" and I answer " No, not really". At that moment I knew this night was going to be the best night ever, since I did not know anything about love and there was, my friends giving me advice. My heart started bumbing 30000 mph just thinking about how I could win her heart. BOOM!
Each of us know what having friends is like, each of us learn something from them. What I learned more about the few friends I have is that you have to appreciate every moment you get to spend with them. You never know when they decide to leave abd leave you hanging. You never know when they'll get new friends and push you a side. What really truly matters is that you become the better version if yourself and that allows you to grow, as a friend ans as a human being. Always be true ti yourself!