What organizing structure is MOST appropriate for an assigned persuasive paper?

Proposition/support text organizing structure is MOST appropriate for a persuasive paper.
Persuasive papers try to convince audience/readers that a particular opinion or stance is right. In persuasive paper, we use logic and reason to prove the credibility of our point of view. By proposition we make statement and then support it through evidence/reason.
Cause and effect text structure is used when we want to know the reasons why a specific effect occurred or what would/could be the results of a specific action. Cause and effect text structure may also be helpful and persuasive paper, but not to the extent of proposition/support text structure.
Least important to most important text structure is used in essays/papers where we want to describe more items. e.g "World's Most Beautiful Places"
Comparison/contrast text structure is used when we want to describe similarities and difference among two or more things.