Answer :
In this exercise we have to complete the sentences with the vocabulary related to the weather
These sentences are related to the weather, each conversation uses a word that completes the situation, according to the description and what is happening.
1. A mis padres les gusta ir a Yucatán porque hace sol. (My parents like to go to Yucatán because it is sunny.)
2. Mi primo de Kansas dice que durante (during) un tornado, hace mucho viento. (My cousin from Kansas says that during a tornado, it's very windy.)
3. Mis amigos van a esquiar si nieva. (My friends go skiing if it snows.)
4. Tomo el sol cuando hace calor. (I take the sun when is warming.)
5. Nosotros vamos a ver una película si hace buen tiempo. (We are going to watch a movie if the weather is good.)
6. Mi hermana prefiere correr cuando hace fresco. (My sister prefers to run when it is cool. )
7. Mis tíos van de excursión si hace buen tiempo. (My uncles go hiking if the weather is good. )
8. Mi padre no quiere jugar al golf si llueve (My father doesn't want to play golf if it rains )
9. Cuando hace mucho frío no salgo de casa y tomo chocolate caliente (When it's very cold I don't leave home and drink hot chocolate. ).
10. Hoy mi sobrino va al parque porque hace buen tiempo. (Today my nephew goes to the park because the weather is good.)
The correct choice in each case is:
- A mis padres les gusta ir a Yucatán porque hace sol.
- Mi primo de Kansas dice que durante un tornado, hace mucho viento.
- Mis amigos van a esquiar si nieva.
- Tomo el sol cuando hace calor.
- Nosotros vamos a ver una película si hace mal tiempo.
- Mi hermana prefiere correr cuando hace fresco.
- Mis tíos van de excursión si hace buen tiempo.
- Mi padre no quiere jugar al golf si llueve.
- My parents like to go to Yucatán because it is sunny.
- My cousin from Kansas says that during a tornado, it's very windy.
- My friends go skiing if it snows.
- I take the sun when is warming.
- We go to see a movie if the weather is bad.
- My sister prefers to run when it's cool.
- My uncles go hiking if the weather is nice.
- My father doesn't want to play golf if it rains.
Vocabulary about the weather.
In Chapter 5 of Vista High Learning you will find vocabulary about the weather in Spanish, with some multiple choice activities with given vocabulary.
It should be noted that the vast majority of choices should use common reasoning regarding the weather to make the right choice, such as hiking in good weather or skiing when it snows.
However, some options can be confusing, as in the case of the weather to see a movie, since, although it can be seen in any weather, it is usually done when the weather is bad outside and outdoor activities are not possible.
If you want to learn more about the weather in Spanish, you can visit the following link: