Answer :
Mood created by speaker in this passage and in fact throughout the story is Mysterious and threatening
"In the Shadow of War" (1983) is short story by Ben Okri. The speaker develop a mysterious and frightening mood by use of many words and phrases. Mention of invisible force is mysterious, capsized canoes means overturned boats create both mystery and threat. The reader thinks why and how have they been capsized, and feels threatened by such sight. Waterlogged clothes on the dark water, items of sacrifice, loaves of bread are all making the mood of the passage mysterious and threatening. Coca-cola cans and outdated currencies are also very mysterious. And in the last part when the canoes have changed into the shapes of swollen dead animals, and a terrible smell in the air make the mood mysterious and threatening.
mysterious and threatening
for the test i took my answer was “mysterious and unwavering”