Truisms are statements presented as facts that are supposed to be self-evident or understood through common sense. Some truisms, such as Yogi Berra's quip that "You can observe a lot by watching," seem quite true. Other truisms, however, such as "A penny saved is a penny earned," may no longer be as valid today as they once were.

Identify a truism that you have heard or read many times that is worth defending, qualifying, or challenging.

Compose a thesis statement that you might use for an essay arguing your position on why the truism is worth defending, qualifying, or challenging, then provide bullet lines of reasoning with brief references to evidence from your reading, experience, or observations.

Answer :


A common truism statement which argues against the power of money to accomplish virtually all things goes thus "Money can't buy happiness"

In defence of the truism statement stated above, the following are facts which backs up the statement.

  • Wealth could buy luxuries such as houses, cars, edifices and lots more, however, happiness is borne out of satisfaction and emotional fulfillment which money cannot offer from my perspective.

  • Also, when faced with certain challenges, money becomes as luxury and it finds itself helpless and unable to salvage the situation such as terminal diseases. Person's faced with extreme pain and difficulty are sad simply because, there wealth is unable to pull them through.

Therefore, truism expressions are numerous and can be defended or challenged based on one's experience or observation.

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There is a common truism that goes by "You must be a friend to get a friend". It explains the relationship of friendship between individuals.

The below points backs up the above-given truism statement.

  • Most people make hundreds of friends within their lifetime but only a few can qualify to be true friends. People often complain about not being able to find even a single true friend.

  • But people often do not realize that friendship is a two-way street. One fails to realize that they have to be a good friend themselves first to expect true friendship from others. The friendship flourishes when there are equal efforts from both ends.

Therefore, the truism stands true even in modern times that if you want a true friend, first be one.

Learn more about truisms here:

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