Answer :
Building a story is not an easy task, artists are created [1] that separate their ideas on paper, so that they create a story with dramatic vision, in which there is a protagonist and a conflict that give life and meaning to the story.
A well accomplished story is one in which all the specific elements such internal coherence that separate would mean killing the work (Brenes, 2001). To comply with this coherence, the elements are required to follow a causal logic, where everyone pursues the same goal to keep the thread of the story until the last scene. In this way, the principle of Aristotle's Poetics called mimesis praxeos or representation of human life would be fulfilled, which could allow the viewer to carry out the process of receiving a work.
This reception process would not be possible without the existence of coherence and unity of the elements that make up the work, a requirement that makes a film an intelligible work of art and capable of transmitting a meaning. In addition, the entire reception process treats the proposed possible world as a mirror of the world in which we live, which requires the characters a consistency in their actions, emotional, psychological and social reactions, so that it is credible to the public ( Brenes, 2013).
Also, another essential characteristic that must be obeyed to be a poetic work is the likelihood, which is the key to that possible created world, a weight of belonging to a world of fiction, sea seen as real, because in “the cinema, as in any fiction narrative, it is not so much the possibility of the stories - that is, the simple truth of the arguments - but their likelihood