Answer :
Question 1: The process that people who are LGBTQ go through as they work to accept their sexual orientation or sexual identity.
Question 2: Asexual people use the word Ace for short.
Question 3: Once a person does claim a label, there's no reason why they can't change as they change.
Question 4: All of the above.
Question 5: Love
Question 6: Family Dysfunction
Question 7: Michelle Blessing
Question 8: All the above
Question 9: Labelled
Question 10: Being identified as a problem solver
1) LGBT is an abbreviation of Lesbain, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. Queer is someone who is questioning his or her sexual identity. The process of coming out is to make these LGBTQ aware of their sexual orientation and finally making them accept their sexual identity.
Coming out id a brave thing for LGBTQ people who are scared to disclose their sexual identity to the world.
2) Asexual use the word Ace for short as they have already aced their sexual drive and does not feel the need to become sexually attracted to people. Asexuality is a sexual orientation similar to bisexuality and heterosexuality. These people does not abstain from sex but actually does not become romantically attracted to people.
3) The sexual identity of a person might remain same throughout their life but it can also change depending on your feelings. It might happen that an asexual person might be romantically attracted to someone in later part of life and start behaving sexually attracted or sexually active with person of opposite sex.
4) People does not have the power to decide who they want to get sexually engaged or attracted with; no amount of therapy, treatment or persuasion could change how they feel about opposite or same sex in terms of sexual attraction.
5) Love
Families are bound together by Love. Families can be biologically related or not; but shall contain the ingredients of care concern and love to remain intact as a unit.
6) People can find a bunch of people or a family close to them emotionally because their biological family is not that much understanding and could be dysfunctional. A dysfunctional family is the one in which the family members are physically and emotionally distant and does not offer support to each other.
7) Michelle Blessing is a mental health professional who defined the meaning of family in terms of psychological and emotional attachments. The author revealed that friends can be closer to biological family because of psychological belonging, similar interests and emotional fulfillment.
8) All the three ingredients Care, love and concern makes a strong family unit. Without these ingredients, families can be dysfunctional and with these ingredients friends can also be bonded like family.
9) Labelled. Labeling is not always a positive thing in-terms of defining people because people keep changing with time and learn from their life experiences.
10) Being identified as a problem-solver: It is important to see through a problem with positive energy and with the conscience to solve it. Hence, people should identify you as the one who is a problem solver and is delving into the problem for finding a solution.