Answer :
The answer is Comedy.
Inferno is a book written by Dante Alighieri telling us his journey to hell. It contains Introduction or Overview and Chapters of 9 Circles of Hell. This is based on comedy genre.
The Nine Circles of Hell are the following:
- Limbo - Wherein pagans are being punished. Some of the people he has seen there are: Virgil, Homer, Horace, Plato and Socrates.
- Lust - Wherein souls are suffering and being torn in strong wind. He has seen the following souls in there: Francesca de Rimini and her lover.
- Gluttony - Souls are lying down in freezing slush and being watched over by Cerberus, a dog with 3 heads.
- Avarice and Prodigality - Souls are crushed through heavy weights objects over and over again.
- Wrath - Souls who are wrathful are being punished by making them fight one another.
- Heresy - Souls are being punished by getting cooked in flames.
- Violence - Violent souls are being punished by getting eaten by Minotaur repeatedly.
- Fraud - seducers, false prophets, liars and thieves are being punished by different methods, depending on their sins.
- Treachery - sinners are being punished by freezing them in the frozen lake. Satan is there together with Judas, Brutus and Cassius.