Question 1 with 1 blankJimena limpia el congelador. Jimena está en . Question 2 with 1 blankDon Diego limpia el escritorio. Don Diego está en . Question 3 with 1 blankFelipe pasa la aspiradora debajo de la mesa y las sillas. Felipe está en . Question 4 with 1 blankJuan Carlos sacude el sillón. Juan Carlos está en . Question 5 with 1 blankMarissa hace la cama. Marissa está en .

Answer :


1. la cocina

2. la oficina

3. el comedor

4. la sala

5. el dormitorio


It is talking about parts of the house, and provides elements that can only be in certain places.

1. the refrigerator is alone in the kitchen

2. the desk is in an office

3. tables and chairs are in the dining room

4. the armchair is in the living room

5. The bed is in the bedroom.

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