I really need help!! failed the test and I cant figure these answers out! I've really tried to do it on my own but I really don't know these at all and cant find them helpful answers anywhere it is the last test in my Civics! id really appreciate the help
1 By tradition, when does the presidential campaign begin?
A. In September, following the national convention
B. When a candidate is officially nominated at the national convention [this was incorrect]
C. After a candidate has gained enough electoral votes in the primaries
D. With the New Hampshire primary
2 Regarding the Electoral College, which of the following statements is false?
A. The electoral vote results are transmitted to the Secretary of State. [incorrect]
B. The electoral college is located in Washington, D.C.
C. Electors vote on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
D. If there were 600 electors, 301 electoral votes would win the presidential election
3 To become a citizen of the United States, you must
A. file a request form in a federal court.
B. pass an English and government test.
C. have lived in the United States for at least six months. [incorrect]
D. be at least 21 years old.
4 A war in Mexico would be under the _______ Command.
A. Pacific
B. Northern
C. Central
D. Southern [incorrect]
5 The largest proportion of federal revenues comes from
A. excise taxes.
B. social insurance taxes. [incorrect]
C. personal income taxes.
D. borrowing.
6 Which of these statements about the Cuban Missile Crisis is true?
A. President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis.
B. Nikita Khrushchev wished to goad Kennedy into invading Cuba and starting a war.
C. President Kennedy called Nikita Khrushchev on the hotline.
D. Fidel Castro's government had manufactured guided missiles [incorrect]
7 If you were a specialist working for the National Security Agency, your main job would likely be
A. analyzing data from spy satellites.
B. working in the field to carry out covert operations.
C. analyzing and breaking coded messages.
D. electronic surveillance [incorrect]
8 Why does the Central Intelligence Agency have more freedom of action than other federal agencies?
A. It carries out U.S. foreign policy under the FBI.
B. Both its budget and operations are secret.
C. The agency doesn't report to anyone.
D. It answers to Congress only for its financial needs. [incorrect]
9 New Groton, Connecticut, is the location of the
A. Coast Guard Academy.
B. Air Force Academy.
C. Naval Command Center. [incorrect]
D. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration