Answer :
Answer: researchers confirm it that there are two major cities in United States with the most sun year round, and they are Phoenix and Las Vegas. Both cities are sunny for 85 percent of the time between sunrise and sunset, calculating to over 3800 hours a year
Explanation: Average annual sunshine in the sunniest major US cities.
City % Sunshine Hours of Sun Clear Days
Phoenix, Arizona 85 3872 211
Las Vegas, Nevada 85 3825 210
Sacramento, California 78 3608 188
Los Angeles, California 73 – 147
Miami, Florida 70 3154 74
Denver, Colorado 69 3107 115
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 68 3089 139
San Diego, California 68 3055 146
Salt Lake City, Utah 66 3029 125
San Francisco, California 66 – 160
Tampa, Florida 66 2927 101