Prompt the user to enter a number of hours, wages, over time factor, then your program should calculate the employee total wages. Make sure your program can calculate the over time and regular wages if number of hours are great than 40 hours. Use 1.5 for over time factor. Make sure your Java code has comments showing declarations and description of your variables.

Answer :


The java program is as follows.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Calculator{


   // variable to hold user input for total hours worked

     static int hours;

     // variable showing minimum working hours

     static int min_hours = 40;

     // variable to hold user input for hourly wage

     static double wage;

     // variable to hold the overtime factor for extra hours worked

     static double overtime_factor = 1.5;


     // variable to hold the calculated total wages

     static double total_wage;


   public static void main(String args[]) {


     // object of Scanner variable initialized to enable user input

     Scanner sc = new Scanner(;


     // user input taken for total working hours

     System.out.println("Enter the hours worked ");

     hours = sc.nextInt();


     // user input taken for wages earned per hour

     System.out.println("Enter the hourly wage ");

     wage = sc.nextDouble();


     // total wages calculated depending upon the number of hours worked

     // overtime factor taken into account when overtime hours worked

     if(hours <= min_hours)

           total_wage = wage*hours;


     if(hours > min_hours)


           total_wage = wage*min_hours;

           total_wage = total_wage + ( (wage*overtime_factor)*(hours - min_hours) );



       // total wage earned is displayed

     System.out.println("The total wages earned is " + total_wage);





Enter the hours worked  


Enter the hourly wage  


The total wages earned is 460.0


The java program given above works as follows.

1 - User input is taken for hours and wages.

2 - The overtime factor is taken as 1.5 as per the question.

3 – Two if statements are used to compute total wages which depend on the number of hours worked.

4 - For overtime hours, the wage is obtained as a product of normal wage and overtime factor. These values are used to compute total wage for overtime.

5 – First, total wage for normal hours is computed using user entered values.

6 – Next, if overtime hours are present, total wages for overtime is added to the total wages computed in step 5.

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