A 22-year old woman presents at the walk-in health clinic with slight fever (38.5°C), a complaint of frequent urination, burning on urination, vaginal discharge and a small lesion on the labia. The woman reported that she was moderately sexually active and had three sexual partners in the past six months. Her last sexual contacts were about 7 days earlier. She had developed mild symptoms about 5 days earlier, beginning with a discharge from the vagina. She began having pain on urination about 3 days earlier. Urine analysis revealed a pH of 8.2, some white cells and a few red blood cells. There was protein in the urine. A smear of the vaginal secretion showed a number of intracellular kidney bean shaped Gram-negative cocci in pairs. Directions: Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. What is your diagnosis here?
2. What clinical features are critical to your diagnosis?
3. What further actions must be taken?