Answer :
1. In the case of Lee who wants to pursue a career in the manufacturing field, the best CTSO for him would be Manufacturing Career Cluster.
2. For Paulina who wants to be a surgeon, a CTSO option would be HOSA.
3. In Fernandos case, Technology Student Association (TSA) would be a good option.
4. For Uma the best CTSO for her would be to consider the National FFA Organization, previously known as National Future Farmer of America Organization.
A Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) is a extra-curricu;ar group for students that are pursuing specific career paths. The CTSO help to equip the student with skills to increase their productivity at these jobs by exposing them to career competition, hands-on technical engagement and even practical training. Some of the CTSO also provide recommendations to students for employment.
Career and Technical Student Organizations can prove very worthwile to students who want pursue careers in various fields. Different CTSOs usually provide services to students in specific careers that are unique to that particular CTSO. Examples of career paths that have CTSOs are; engineering, technology, teaching, Health sciences, business, and agriculture.
1. In the case of Lee who wants to pursue a career in the manufacturing field, the best CTSO for him would be Manufacturing Career Cluster. Manufacturing Career Cluster is a CTSO located in Texas that focuses on the planning, management and processing of raw materials to finished products.
2. For Paulina who wants to be a surgeon, a CTSO option would be HOSA. HOSA deals with future health professionals. Since the career of a surgeon falls in the health sector, HOSA would be a good fit for Paulina.
3. In Fernandos case, Technology Student Association (TSA) would be a good option. TSA deals with careers in technology, mathematics and engineering.
4. For Uma the best CTSO for her would be to consider the National FFA Organization, previously known as National Future Farmer of America Organization. They deal with careers in food and nutrition, natural resources and agriculture.
For each example, identify the most appropriate CTSO.
Lee wants to have a career in the manufacturing field:
✔ SkillsUSA
Paulina wants to be a Surgeon:
Fernando wants to be an Engineer:
Uma is an adult who wants to start a small farm: