Answer :
wave motion is defined as the propagation of the disturbance due to continous vibration of the molecules of the medium. Waves oduced due to disturbance carry only energy but not the matter.
The waves move water up and down and carry the energy.
Therefoe, the statement "(a) The waves carry water outward away from where the rock hit. The moving water carries energy outward"is incorrect.
The waves move water up and down and carry the energy, but not matter.
Therefore, the statement "(c) The waves ony make the water move u and down. No energy is carried outward from where the rock hit" is incorrect.
When a rock is droed ito a pd, a disturbance starts from the point where the stone hits the water. The waves produced carry the energy from the starting point toother locatons over a large distance which is not possible by the single molecules of water.
Therefore, the statement "(c) The waves only make the water move up and down, but the waves do carry energy outward away from where the rock hit" is correct.