Answer :
The traits for blood type and Rh are the result of the presence or absence of proteins on the outside of erythrocytes, called surface antigens, being the antigens A and B, for the blood group, and the Rhesus factor for the Rh.
Blood group
The blood type or group is determined by the presence or absence of antigens A and B, which is determined by three genes A, B and O:
- Blood type A has antigens A, with a genotype A/A or A/O, which in turn is able to reject the presence of B antigen by producing anti-B antibodies.
- Type B blood has only B antigens, with possible genotype B/B or B/O. It can produce anti-A antibodies.
- The AB blood type has both antigens, with an A/B genotype, having both antigens do not react to the presence of an antigen.
- Blood type O is characterized by the absence of surface antigens, and its genotype is expressed as O/O.
Rh factor
The Rh factor, which owes its name to the rhesus monkey study, is also a surface protein - the Rh antigen - that determines this characteristic in the blood.
The nomenclature used for this type of blood uses the signs "+" or "-" after the Type ABO, indicating the presence or absence of the Rh factor, respectively.
- Rh+ blood has the Rh, D or Du antigen on the surface of the erythrocyte.
- The Rh- doesn't possess the antigen, and is able to make antibodies against the Rh antigen.
The importance of knowing the presence or absence of erythrocyte surface antigens is that it determines the compatibility of blood type, and the possibility of transfusions. The ORh- blood type is currently known to be a universal donor and AB+ is a recipient of any blood type.
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The traits for blood type and Rh are the result of the presence or absence of particular (PROTEINS) on the erythrocytes.
Answer is PROTIENS