1. Create and invoke a function that returns a value. Show an example of how this is done.
2. Create and invoke a function that does not return a value. This called a void function. Show an example of a void function and how it is called from the main program.
3. What is passing by value vs by reference. Show examples.
4. What is a function prototype. Show an example of a function prototype
5. Define what we mean by a variable’s scope and lifetime. Show an example to help you define this concept.
6. What is a one dimensional array. Show an example of declaring a one dimensional array.
7. Give an example of how you get data into a one dimensional array from the keyboard.
8. Give an example of how to display data from #7 above.
9. Give an example of how to pass a one-dimensional array to a function
10. Define parallel one-dimensional arrays and show an example that demonstrate the use of parallel arrays.
11. What is a two dimensional array. Show an example of declaring a two dimensional array.
12. Give an example of how you get data into a two dimensional array from the keyboard.
13. Give an example of how to display data from #12 above.

Answer :


Answers are given below with appropriate comments for explanation



int min(int first, int second) //function which returns min value of given two values.


int answer;

if (first < second)

result = first;


result = second;

return result;




void min(int first, int second) //function which returns min value of given two values.


int answer;

if (first < second)

result = first;


result = second;

printf("Result is = %d",result);


void main(){

int a1=5;

int a2=3;

min(a1,a2);//calling void function



pass by value...just passing values..it won't reflect actual parameters


void min(int first, int second) //function which returns min value of given two values.


int answer;

if (first < second)

result = first;


result = second;

printf("Result is = %d",result);


void main(){

int a1=5;

int a2=3;

min(a1,a2);//calling void function



pass by reference



void min(int *first, int *second) //function which returns min value of given two values.


int answer;

if (first < second)

result = first;


result = second;

printf("Result is = %d",result);


void main(){

int a1=5;

int a2=3;

min(&a1,&a2);//calling void function




function prototype means declaring function declaration without body at top of program...actual function after main declaration.


void min(int first, int second); //function prototype declaration

void main(){

int a1=5;

int a2=3;

min(a1,a2);//calling void function


//actual function declaration

void min(int first, int second) //function which returns min value of given two values.


int answer;

if (first < second)

result = first;


result = second;

printf("Result is = %d",result);




int main(){

int global=5; //global variable

int n=1;


int global =3; //local variable

printf("Local variable scope = %d",global); //it prints 3


printf("Global variable scope = %d",global); //it prints 5




int main(){

int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; //one dimensional array declaration




int main(){

int array[5];

int i;

printf("Enter array values");


scanf("%d",&a[i]); //reading array values from user




int main(){

int array[5];

int i;

printf("Enter array values");


scanf("%d",&array[i]); //reading array values from user


printf("Printing data of array entered");


printf("%d",array[i]); //Printing array values from user





void printArray(int a[]){//array as parameter

int i;

printf("Printing data of array entered");

for(i=0;i<5;i++){ //printing data here

printf("%d",a[i]); //Printing array values from user



int main(){

int array[5];

int i;

printf("Enter array values");


scanf("%d",&array[i]); //reading array values from user


printArray(array); //passing array as parameter



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