1. Suppose you have a spinner that is evenly
divided showing all the days of the weck, You
also have a bag of papers that list the months
of the year, Are you more likely to spin the
current day of the week or pull out the paper
with the current month?
a) What is the probability of spinning a Monday
b) What is the probability of pulling November?
c) Compare the two fractions, decimals, and

Answer :

(a) A 1/7 (1 in 7) chance because there are 7 days in a week and you only can get get 1. (b) A 1/12 (1 in 12) because there are 12 months in a year and you can only get 1. (c) The probability of you getting a Monday is 1/7, 14.28%, or 0.1428. The probably of you getting a November is 1/12, 8.33333%, or 0.0833333. You are more likely to get a Monday than a November.

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