Answer :
1. Make an observation : d. The plants in my kitchen aren’t growing.
2. State the problem : a. Why aren’t the plants in my kitchen growing?
3. Identify variables : e. Will the amount of water I give my plants affect their growth? amount of water is the independent variable, growth is dependent variable.
4. Create a hypothesis : f. The amount of water my plants are getting and how much the plants grow.
5. Design an experiment : b. I will use three of the same type of plants. I will give plant A no water for one month. I will give Plant B five ounces of water daily for one month. I will give Plant C two ounces of water daily for one month. All plants will have access to direct sunlight for 6 hours a day.
6. Collect Data : g. After one month I see that Plant A did not grow and its leaves are brown. Plant B’s stem has grown by 4 inches and its leaves are large and green. Plant C has grown by 1 inch and has small green leaves.
7. Draw a conclusion : c. When I water my plants with five ounces of water daily, they will grow and maintain large, healthy leaves.
A scientific research begins with a scientific observation, followed by a question.
A hypothesis can be described as a tentative statement that can either be proved to be right or wrong.
The experiment contains a dependent variable, an independent variable. Also, a control group is there to check for the differences.
Data from the experiments is collected and analyzed to generate results and a conclusion is drawn.