Describe how differences between individualist and collectivist cultures are likely to manifest themselves in the processes of group identification and group-versus-individual goals in athletics and work. How do these cultures differ in the personal freedom they enjoy

Answer :

Cultures can be divided in two categories based on how connected people feel to others within their same society. Individualist cultures tend to focus on the personal achievements of people, and this results in a high level of competition. They also promote individual goals and advancement. Individual rights are often defended and independence is valued.

On the other hand, collectivist cultures focus a lot more on goals for the community or the family. The role of the individual as a single unity is not as important as his role as a social entity. Unity and brotherhood are encouraged, and groups tend to be more cohesive.

In athletics and work, these differences are likely to manifest themselves. A sports team that is individualistic might have several players who are mostly concerned with being "the star" or the "MVP" in order to win and achieve individual fame. A collectivist team will also want to achieve victory and fame, but they would most likely attempt it as a team. At work, collectivist teams are more likely to be cohesive, to work together, and to try to avoid conflict. People in an individualistic workplace are more likely to want to succeed independently, compete with others and rise on their own.

Individualistic cultures enjoy a much higher degree of personal freedom because the main focus of the members is their own success and well-being. The actions of people in collectivist cultures are a lot more limited, as they are bounded by the needs and desires of the community.

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