Answer :


Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question conclusively. I wish I could, but I cannot.

I have always found it a bit obnoxious when people call themselves “progressives” because everyone wants progress. It is just that we all have different ideas of progress. Progress toward…what? The “progressives” tend to assume that everyone else agrees with them in terms of goals, so they cannot understand it when people disagree or try to resist their attempt to ensure “progress” toward those goals.

Are we progressing? Well, progressing toward…what?

Is everything in the future so good that we need to expedite that change as much as possible in every circumstance?

Is everything in the past so terrible that we can say that we have nothing to learn from it and that doing things differently is always better?

Progressing? Regressing? I am not sure. Tell me what your standard for that is, and I might be able to answer.

What I can say is that we are changing. For the better or the worse…I do not know. As always, it will be a mix.

What I am sure of is that things will never go back to the way they were. So if you define that as “progress”, there it is.


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