Sally, a social worker from the United States, has been stationed in Konesia for a year. She notices several things about the Konesian society; the people who report to her, for example, do so with an excessive amount of submissiveness, and her superior seems to expect the same of her. Which of the following statements about Konesia would be consistent with Hofstede's framework?

Answer :


Konesia has a high power distance index.


Based on Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, the power distance dimension is one of the dimensions of his cultural value analysis.

Power distance index(PDI) measures "the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally". Here high power distance index means the lower strata and followers of power accept hierarchy and are highly "submissive" to perceived powerful entities without question or doubt while the low PDI defines the opposite.

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