2. Explain why conflict resolution communication skills are not always present in everyday workplace situations and how a skilled communications professional would add value to that workplace.

Answer :

Answer: Conflict resolution skill, is the skill that helps to settle a disagreement or conflict between two parties, or amount group of people.

Ideally this is not needed in the day to day running of the businesses. Because the intention of any company is not to settle dispute among each other on a daily basis. It is expected that all workers should be actively in playing a perfect role in the company's vision. No company has stated in his vision or mission, to keep a zero conflict among staff, because it is believed that every workers and staff of the company is disciplined and should focus on why the company has hired him or her.

But on the other hand, conflict among workers in a company has been on increase. Because people differs so their ideology differs too. Conflict may not only be when a worker yells at a co worker, it can also be an argument between workers. It is difficult to find a company made of more than 10 workers with out conflict among co workers, the conflict could be envy or side talks. This conflict actually reduce the productivity of the workers as a group. And when productivity is reduced it affects the income of the company, as well as it's business. If a skilled communication professional is hired. He will help to teach and mentor each worker, on how to communicate effectively, I'm terms of listening, understanding, replying back to a co worker. This will help to build peace and unity among workers, which will maximize production, and making the working environment conducive for everyone of them. Workers tends to be satisfy if working in a favourable environment.

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