Answer :
Answer is explained below
Data: Data are raw facts and figures that are collected together for analysis. In other words, Simple no processing is data.
Information: Information is the facts provided about something. In simple terms, processed data is information.
Knowledge: Knowledge is the processed facts that are understand for a conclusion.
1. An item's UPC number - data
Explanation: An item number is data because simple no processing is required.
2. Change back to customer - information
Explanation: Data about a customer is information.
3. General changes to demand in different seasons - knowledge
Explanation: Requires data (time and quantity purchased) to be processed/aggregated into information. The information is understood to provide a pattern of demad changes due to seasons.
4. Cost each - data
Explanation: Cost each is data because simple no processing is required.
5. Quantity purchased - data
Explanation: Cost each is data because simple no processing is required.
6. Non-taxable total - information
Explanation: -- requires that data (prices, amounts and whether the item is taxable) to be processed (price * amount for items that are non-taxable).
7. Extended cost [quantity times cost each] - information
Explanation: Extended cost requires processing two pieces of data quantity and cost
8. Amount tendered - data
Explanation: Amount tendered is data because simple no processing is required.
9. Sales of an item for the last week - information
Explanation: Sales of an item for the last week requires aggregating sales for a specific time frame together
10. Upcoming holidays and customer's special needs - knowledge
Explanation: Upcoming holidays and customer's special needs requires holiday data (dates) to be combined with information gathered about customer to understand customer's special needs
11. How paid [cash, charge card, debit card] - data
Explanation: Cost each is data because simple no processing is required.
12. Shopper loyalty card number - data
Explanation: Cost each is data because simple no processing is required.
13. Taxable total - information
Explanation: Taxable total requires that data (prices, amounts and whether the item is taxable) to be processed (price * amount for items that are taxable).