Answer :
Following is the program in C++ language :
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // namespace
int main() // main function
int j=10; // initialized j to 10
int k=2;// initialized k to 2
int i=4;// initialized i to 4
cout<<"old value of j:"<<j<<endl<<"old value of i:"<<i<<endl<<"old value of k:"<<k<<endl;
j=j*k;//Store the value of k times j in j.
i=k*i;//Store the value of k times i in i .
k=j+i;//add the value of j in i and store in k
cout<<"new value of j:"<<j<<endl<<"new value of i:"<<i<<endl<<"new value of k:"<<k;
return 0;
old value of j:10
old value of i:4
old value of k:2
new value of j:20
new value of i:8
new value of k:28
Following is the explanation of program:
- Declared the variable "j" and initialized 10 to them.
- Declared the variable "k" and initialized 2 to them.
- Declared the variable "i" and initialized 4 to them.
- Print the old value of "j","k" and "i" by using the cout statement.
- Stored the value of "j" variable in the "k" times of "j" variable.
- Stored the value of "i" variable in the "k" times of "i" variable.
- Add the value of "j" variable into "i" variable and store in "k" variable.
- Finally display the new value of i,j and k variable.