Zayvon has conducted a study in which he found that college students with more friends tend to have higher GPAs. He concluded that as a person makes more friends, she has more social support and that helps her do better academically. However, when he collected longitudinal data in a follow-up study and was able to take into account time order, Zayvon found that, actually, as a person increases her GPA, she gains status on campus and attracts more friends. This is a case of

Answer :



Reverse causality


In trying to explain reverse causality, let us use the example of A and B. We know that A and B are associated, but we think that A is causing a change in B, when in fact B is the one causing a change in A. This is called reverse causality. In the question, Zayvon thinks that as people make more friends, their GPAs increase, when in real sense it is that as people GPA increases, she gains status and attracts more friends.

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