Answer :


#include <cstring>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


#define A 3

#define B 3



string dict[] = { "KILLS", "GOT", "QUIZ", "GO" };

int n = sizeof(dict) / sizeof(dict[0]);


// Let us make a function to find whether a given word is present in dictionary.

bool isPresent(string& str)


   // linear search of words

   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

       if ([i]) == 0)

           return true;

   return false;



// A function for printing all words present on Boggle

void findWordin(char bogle[A][B], bool hasbeenvisited[A][B], int i,

                  int j, string& str)


   hasbeenvisited[i][j] = true;

   str = str + bogle[i][j];


   // If str is in the dictionary, then you need to print it

   if (isPresent(str))

       cout << str << endl;


   // Travering adjacent 8 cells of the boggle

   for (int r = i - 1; r <= i + 1 && r < A; r++)

       for (int c= j - 1; c <= j + 1 && c < B; c++)

           if (r >= 0 && c >= 0 && !hasbeenvisited[r][c])

               findWordin(bogle, hasbeenvisited, r, c, str);


   // for erasing current characters on the string, and mark them visited

   // of the current cells to false  

   str.erase(str.length() - 1);

   hasbeenvisited[i][j] = false;



// Prints all words which are in dictionary.

void findWords(char boggle[A][B])


   // for marking all the characters as not being visited

   bool hasbeenvisited[A][B] = { { false } };


   // Initializing the present string

   string str = "";


   // Reading all the characters for finding all the words that begins with the above character

   for (int i = 0; i < A; i++)

       for (int j = 0; j < B; j++)

           findWordin(boggle, hasbeenvisited, i, j, str);



// the code for testing of the function

int main()


   char bogle[A][B] = { { 'k', 'I', 'L' },

                         { 'L', 'S', 'M' },

                         { 'G', 'O', 'T' } };


   cout << "Below list of words are present in the dictionary\n";


   return 0;



The program is properly commented, and that explains each step of it.  However, I have kept dictionary as constant for similifying the code. And it can be set to variable easily, if required.

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