Answer :
The matching is:
1 Diffused: a light that spreads soft shadows, may be filtered through translucent material.
2. Empiricism: the doctrine that says sense experience is the only source of knowledge .
3. Intelligentsia: the intellectuals of a particular time and place.
4. Salon: a gathering of people for the purposes of discussion.
5. Treatise: diffused a written work on a particular subject.
6. Tyranny: dictatorship: a government that is ruled by one dictator, who is usually brutal .
Here is a brief meaning of each word:
Diffused: to (cause something to) spread in many directions
Empiricism: the theory that all knowledge is based on experience derived from the senses. Stimulated by the rise of experimental science, it developed in the 17th and 18th centuries, expounded in particular by John Locke .
Intelligentsia: is a status class of educated people engaged in the complex mental labours that critique, guide, and lead in shaping the culture and politics of their society.
Salon: A salon is an informal meeting of fashionable writers or artists, which is held at the house of someone who is well-known. Salons were more common in former times.
Treatise: a systematic exposition or argument in writing including a methodical discussion of the facts and principles involved and conclusions reached a treatise on higher education.
Tyranny: cruel and oppressive government or rule.