Answer :


Explanation:1)Rub a balloon on your head and stick it to the wall. And it sticks—very nice. We’ve

talked in lecture about why it sticks. This question is about why, after a while, it fall off.

Consider each of the following explanations.

i) It falls because it uses up the energy you put on it when you rubbed it.

ii) It falls because it uses up the charge you put on it when you rubbed it.

iii) It falls because the energy you put on it slowly leaks off into the wall or the air.

iv) It falls because the charge you put on it slowly leaks off into the wall or the air.

Answer: It falls because the charge you put on it slowly leaks off into the wall or the air.

2) Given your choice for part a, would it be possible, in principle under ideal

circumstances, for a balloon to stick to a wall indefinitely?

Answer: If you can keep the charge from leaving the balloon, And if the

wall is a very good insulator also this will prevent the ball from falling.