Answer :
This issue occur because of three problems.
i. Drivers Installation
ii. Wifi off by f12 key
iii. IP is not added on WAP
Drivers those are immediate resource that allows hardware devices to connect with software or computer operating system. Without drivers we may not able to use any hardware or access any data. So for internet connectivity we must have internet drivers. We can install drivers by using control panel. We must troubleshoot this issue to make sure the internet connectivity.
secondly this may occur because our laptop wifi key is not turned on. Sometime it does happen that by mistake or when we are in hurry we unintentionally press the wifi key that is located extreme right side of the keyboard ,simple we say f12 key. Whenever the wifi key or F12 key will be in red color it means wifi is off by this key. To turn on wifi simply press it and this key will blink with white color light. Which shows that the wifi functionality is on right now.
Thirdly we must check IP ( Internet Protocol)of the system, does it match with WAP (Wireless application Protocol) or not. To confirm the IP of your system we must click on the respective WAP that we are currently using then right click on network as it is shown in screen shot attached here. As we must know that every WAP is having an IP address. So that address must match with our system IP otherwise we would not be able to get internet access. If you dont know your WAP IP address then you can get it know as well. For this you will press start button, click Run and then type cmd . Command prompt will be appear on screen in black color afterwards you have to type ipconfg command to check the adress of your WAP .

The laptop’s wireless radio is toggled to the off position.