In the Strange Situation, Cameron did not explore the playroom, clung to his mother when she was in the room, and was very upset when she left the room. When she returned, he appeared to be inconsolable. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Cameron as_________

Answer :


The answer is insecure resistant


Mary Ainsworth recognized three different attachment styles that were as a result of early interactions and connections with the mother which include;

  1. Type A - Secure
  2. Type B - Insecure Avoidant
  3. Type C - Insecure ambivalent/resistant

The insecure resistant is also known as ambivalent attachment. In this situation, the child is always wanting to be close to the caregiver and is not willing to explore. Cameron's act of clinging to his mom when she is in the room and being upset when she leaves the room classifies him as insecure resistant which is Type C.



Insecure Attachments.


This is very common in most kids. it refers to a  a form attachment  in which   a kid developed a special bonding with  a particular subject  e.g a  care giver on exposure to threat or disturbances   and resist any  attempts to leave  the subject  vicinity.Thus they  demonstrated a lot  of separation and stranger anxiety .

Although on reuniting with their mothers they tentatively develop contacts this  may not be sustained.

it  is also known as Type C or ambivalent  attachment

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