As the president of a local trade company, Lisa is faced with leadership, ethical, and operational decisions on a daily basis. Lisa's responsibilities include examining the organizational resource of information and regulating its definitions, uses, value, and distribution to ensure the company has the types of information required to function and grow effectively. What is Lisa overseeing for the company?
a) information codes
b) information management
c) information deployment
d) information security

Answer :

Answer is B

Explanation: Information management has to do with the acquisition of information from different sources, processing, management and the distribution of information to different appropriate audiences. Basically, it involves the movement of information through the organizational cycle by concerning itself with the organization and control of information flow, the processing of information and the delivery of information to the right channel or audience.



Explanation: Information management is a term used to describe the entire processes involved in planning, coordinating and the use of Information in an organisation. Information management also involves the use of different processes to plan,cordinate, use of information technology in organisations to ensure they effectively perform. Information management also tries to restrict unnecessary information or in ethical information exchanges from taking place within an organisation.

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