Jason and alex are biologically unrelated adolescents who were adopted as infants and raised together in the same home. for which of the following are jason and alex least likely to resemble each other any more than they resemble a genetically unrelated adolescent from another home in their neighborhood?a) extraversionb) religious beliefsc) table mannersd) political attitudes

Answer :



a) extraversion : Jason and Alex could be different from one another but

                           resemble others

b) religious beliefs: Could be same or different to each other or


c) table manners: Could resemble eah other

d) political attitudes: Could be same or different from each other and



a) extraversion : Jason and Alex could be different from one another but

                           resemble others

Reason: Two genetically identical offsprings even if receive different

              treatment in same environment from family members may be

              different but in this case as they are gadopted may have inherited

              traits from original parents which led them behave differently

b) religious beliefs: Could be same or different to each other or


Reason: Initially family adopting them may train and guide them for same

              religious belief but later on in life one may develop different

              thinking depending on people one is interacting or social

              environment which may be same or different from neighbourhood

c) table manners: Could resemble eah other

  Reason: Train by same family so should be the same provided one is

                 rebellious or didnot want to follow

d) political attitudes: Could be same or different from each other and


Reason: members of same family also differ in their political opinions due to

              different exposures

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