
The conjugate base of hydroquinone is used in the synthesis of PEEK. Is hydroxide a strong enough base for deprotonating hydroquinone? Phenolic protons (pKa ~ 10) are acidic than water (pKa ~ 15.7), therefore the equilibrium favor deprotonation of hydroquinone by hydroxide.

Answer :




  • Equilibrium always favor the formation of weak conjugate bases and acids.
  • H20 (pKa ~ 15.7) is a weak acid than phenol (pKa ~ 10) and thus the equilibrium will favor the deprotonation.

  • [pKa ∝ 1/Acidity]

  • Answers: Phenolic protons are more acidic than water,therefore the equilibrium should favor deprotonation of hydroquinone by hydroxide.

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