Jacobson furniture pseudo-code

Use the following planning chart, create the pseudo-code for the btncalc_click event handling procedure. This procedure should calculate and display the Sales Tax on the Sales Amount and then the Total Due (Sales Amount + Sales Tax). Place the pseudo-code (do not give me Visual Basic statements)

Planning Chart for the Jacobson Furniture application

Purpose: Calculate and display the sales tax and total due amounts.



1. Sales amount

1. 5% sales tax
2. Total due
3. Button for ending the application

User will enter in txtSales

BtnCalc_Click will calculate and display in lblTax

BtnCalc_Click will calculate and display in lblTotal

BtnExit_Click will end the application

Please answer this immediately!!!

Jacobson furniture pseudo-code Use the following planning chart, create the pseudo-code for the btncalcclick event handling procedure. This procedure should cal class=

Answer :


We need to add four labels Taxable Income, Tax rate, total tax, and Total Due. And in front of them, you can add four textBoxes, or labels or as required.

The Tax rate is 5%.



BtnCalc_Click will calculate and display in lblTax

double tax = Convert.ToDouble((textBox1.Text)) * 5/100;

double Roundedtax = Math.Round(tax, 2);

textBox2.Text = Convert.ToString(Roundedtax);


// we can use lblTax instead of textBox2. The further code will be almost change, and we need to use lblTax label instead of textBox2.Text.

BtnCalc_Click will calculate and display in lblTotal

textBox3.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text) + Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));


//This is lblTotal or the total Tax. We can use lblTotal label instead of the textBox3.Text.

BtnExit_Click will end the application:

Use this code in this method.


// This closes the application immediately on click on the Exit button.

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