Answer :
The correct answers for the exercise are:
Ohio State 76, Michigan 65: -Setenta y seis, Sesenta y cinco-
Question 2 with 1 blank
Florida 92, Florida State 104: -Noventa y dos, ciento cuatro-
Question 3 with 1 blank
Stanford 83, UCLA 89: -Ochenta y tres, ochenta y nueve-
Question 4 with 1 blank
Purdue 81, Indiana 78: -Ochenta y uno, Setenta y Ocho-
Question 5 with 1 blank
Princeton 67, Harvard 55: -Sesenta y siente, cincuenta y cinco-
Question 6 with 1 blank
Duke 115, Virginia 121 : -Ciento quince, ciento veintiuno-
All right the rule to write the tens numbers in Spanish is the following.
In the tens 10-19 they will have a unique number derived from the name of the progressive number (unit) and the ten. Diez, Once, Doce, Trece, Catorce, Quince, diesciseis, diescisiete, diesciocho, diescinueve.
In the twenties, everyone will start with "veinti" plus the unit. Veintiuno, Veintidos, veintitres, veinticuatro, veinticinco, veintiseis, veintisiete, veintiocho, veintiueve.
In the 30s to 90s there will be a common variance: treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta y noventa, to indicate the ten and the unit number uno, dos , tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve. Resulting in something like cuarenta y tres, setenta y cuatro, noventa y dos.
Ohio State 76, Michigan 65: -Setenta y seis, Sesenta y cinco-
Florida 92, Florida State 104: -Noventa y dos, ciento cuatro
Stanford 83, UCLA 89: -Ochenta y tres, ochenta y nueve
Purdue 81, Indiana 78: -Ochenta y uno, Setenta y Ocho
Princeton 67, Harvard 55: -Sesenta y siete, cincuenta y cinco
Duke 115, Virginia 121 : -Ciento quince, ciento veintiuno
The other answer is majority correct, but for the word siete in the questions Princeton 67...They put siente which is spelt incorrect. Other than that there answer is correct, but mine has the exact answers above that are correct, I did the assignment and mine were correct. Mark me the brainliest please