Write a function max_magnitude() with two integer input parameters that returns the largest magnitude value. Use the function in a program that takes two integer inputs, and outputs the largest magnitude value.
Ex: If the inputs are:

5 7
the function returns:

Ex: If the inputs are:

-8 -2
the function returns:

Note: The function does not just return the largest value, which for -8 -2 would be -2. Though not necessary, you may use the absolute-value built-in math function.

Your program must define and call a function:
int MaxMagnitude(int userVal1, int userVal2)


using namespace std;

/* Define your function here */

int main() {
/* Type your code here */

return 0;

Answer :


def max_magnitude(user_val1, user_val2):

if abs(user_val1) > abs(user_val2):

return user_val1


return user_val2

if __name__ == '__main__':

n1 = int(input("Enter the first integer number: "))

n2 = int(input("Enter the second integer number: "))

print("The largest magnitude value of", n1, "and", n2, "is", max_magnitude(n1, n2))


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