1. What is viscosity?

2. True or False- All fluids can be characterized by their viscosity?

3. List 3 examples of fluids with high viscosity. (molasses, motor oil, honey)

4. List 3 examples of fluids with low viscosity. (water, juice, rubbing alcohol)

5. What is the question we are trying to answer in this lab?

6. Write a good hypothesis for this lab. (If, then statement)

7. List at least 2 safety concerns.

8. Why do you not want to mix water with the honey?

9. What can you do if the honey moves too fast or too slowly?

pls answer

Answer :


1. Viscosity describes how "thick" a liquid is. This is based on its resistance to flow. Viscosity is measured in 'poise' (written P)

2. Fluids can be described as having great, or little viscosity.

3. Tar, Glycerol, Sulfric Acids

4. Mercury, Blood, Dilute polyethylene oxides

(Can't answer #5-9 because I don't know what lab you are doing.)

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