Answer :
I would not like to make large purchases because if I can't pay that amount back. Furthermore if it is very important for me then I would try to limit my budget that are associated with my clothing, out of home eating, etc which I can limit to fund the large purchase. I would prefer to make small investments from my savings every month to tackle such issues in near future. Furthermore, this will also help me which would help me grow financially and pursue my future goals (studying from a well reputed university).
Large Purchase = Funding from budget shrinking every month + Credit Purchase to safe limit
The large purchase is only possible in my life if it is of immense importance otherwise I am not going to buy it.
I believe that happiness is in donating not having Ferrari or luxury items, which best describes that I don't like unnecessary spendings. I keep things that are just enough for doing necessary things. I always prefer to help friends, family, etc. Less spending on unnecessary things doesn't mean that you are greedy it tells that how you perceive happiness.
- When the large purchases Then you can't pay that amount back. Furthermore then limit the budget that is associated with the clothing, out-of-home eating, etc.
- which that you can be use limit to fund the large purchase. also that I would prefer to make small investments from my savings every month to tackle such issues in near future. further that, this will also help you which would help me also to grow financially and pursue my future goals (studying at a well-reputed university).
Using this formula Large Purchase = Funding from budget shrinking every month + Credit Purchase to the safe limit
- When The large purchase is only that is possible if it is of immense importance.
- I believe that such happiness is in donating not having Ferrari or luxury items, which are the best describes that I don't like unnecessary spending. Also that I keep things that are just enough for doing necessary things. so that, I always prefer to help friends, family, etc. and Less spending on unnecessary things doesn't mean that you are greedy it tells that how you perceive happiness.
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