Henry works the night shift at a convenience store. He sees a man entering the store with his hood up, hands in his pockets, and eyes darting around. This causes Henry’s stress level to surge. At times of stress, pituitary hormones activate the adrenal glands, which release hormones, including ____.

Answer :




Adrenal Glands are located on top of each kidney and their role is to release a certain hormones into your bloodstream. What these hormones do is to help regulate stress and help the body function normally in the everyday life. But there is one specific hormone that is release when we feel stress, and that is cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that has many functions. Between them we may find the control of fats, proteins, suppress inflammation and regulates blood pressure between many other things. Most importantly is release during a moment of stress to help your body relax and gives you the energy that you may need, for you to handle the situation the best way possible.

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