Answer :
Answer: Brexit is the major event not only for Europeans but for all the people living in British Isles.
Explanation: 1) Britain is getting back to its typical pattern of behaviour it always had (autonomy/independence/isolation) which means that on deepers leves there is a collective and historical psychological factor, 2) nobody can know what is going to follow not only for European Union but also for all the societies (and there are many societies) in the UK (Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England) so there is a factor of unpredictibility in terms of both politics and economics, 3) in a way UK makes a step backwards. Does it means it is leaving multicultural kind of policy ? Does it means it is going to re-establish a kind of British Empire ? Is such a step backwards going to be inspiration for others and is it going to be followed by others ?, 4) what impact is this going to have on European Union and on individual societies within it ?
For the moment it is quite difficult to predict. These days there will be elections of the new leader of Labour party, we still have to see more of Boris Johnson policy and the way how UK and EU will be able re-adjust their long-term relationship. I am convinced that the strong mutual influence is inevitable: the world is globalized and both UK and EU are too close to each other. Moreover, there is a tradition of collaboration for centuries. UK inherited (and that has nothing to do with EU) explosive inheritance in British Isles and I am quite curious how London is going to solve that.