Answer :
The ways that researchers can test chemicals for their toxicity.
Presently chemical testing is costly and time-consuming. Only a little portion of chemicals have been fully evaluated for potential unfavorable environmental and human health effects. Nowadays researchers are utilizing rapid and effective methods to assess chemicals for potential toxicity and produce new techniques to determine chemical exposure. These techniques are applied to assess thousands of chemicals found in consumer products, the oxygen we inhale and the liquid we absorb.
"Rapid and Automated Toxicology"
- ToxCast (Toxicity Forecaster): It uses active chemical screening technologies to define the totality of required laboratory animal-based toxicity tests while immediately and efficiently screening thousands of chemicals for potential human and environmental impacts.
- Toxicology Testing in the 21st Century
"Rapid, Automated Exposure and Dose"
- Expocast( Rapid Expodure Predictions): It uses rapid measures to prognosticate a possible chemical exhibition for thousands of chemicals.