both commensalism and parasitism are relationships that benefit at least one species. which of the following describes the effect on the other species in the relationship?

C) Commensalism has no effect on the species, while parasitism has a negative effect.
Commensalism and parasitism are both forms of species interaction.
Commensalism refers to an ecological relationship between two species where one species benefits from the other but the other is neither harmed nor benefited. For example, remoras are little fish that attach to sharks and other larger fish. Remoras benefit in terms of protection, transport and food. They feed off scraps attached to the shark's mouth and teeth. However, the shark neither benefits nor suffers from this interaction.
Parasitism is a relationship between a host and a parasite where the parasite benefits at the expense of the host. the parasite attains benefits while harming the host. For example, ticks and fleas that infest dogs. The ticks attain nutrients from the host's blood and in turn, weaken and harm the host.
Step-by-step explanation:
Commensalism has no effect on the other species, while parasitism has a negative effect.