
Enter a formula in the selected cell using SUMIF to calculate the total expenses for the category Office Expense. Use the range name Category for the Range argument, the text string "Office Expense" for the Criteria argument, and Cost for the Sum_range argument. Font Size

Answer :



  • Click the Math & Trig button on the formula page, in the library category function.
  • Click SUMIF
  • In the range argument box, type category
  • In the criteria box, type "office expense"
  • In the sum range argument box, type cost
  • Click ok

The SUIMIF function is a workbook function which based on one criterion, adds all the numbers in a set of cells (e.g., 2000). The SUMIF function is an optimized Excel function which is labeled as a Math / Trig function.

This method can be used in Excel as a WS function.


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