Answer :
to signal heightened intimacy, when you want to persuade someone, or when you are lying and you know that if you look away the person you are lying to may think you are lying so you look at them longer
(a) maintain eye contact with another:
Sometimes looking longer into someone is a normal sign of attraction that can happen between strangers. In many cases, an unconscious mechanism that occurs where genetically fit or people having compatibility can sometimes take place in the stranges conditions
Close eye contact can often take place as a couple is building trust and when communicating inner emotions that can sometimes only be felt through watching directly to the eyes-
(b) avoid gazing at another person.
Looking away when talking is usually a sign that a person is trying to hide something or lying somehow, this means that there is a lack of trust as well or confidence to tell or communicate directly something that may be also considered harmful.
(c) to may think you are lying so you look at them longer
It is a powerful sign of conviction to look directly at the eyes, and will often be used as a means to convice someone of something or to make them do something for you