
. Use the following passage to answer the questions. Tarquinius Priscus, Etruscus, rex creari cupivit. Quod officia privata et publica effecerat et benignitatem in omnes monstraverat, populus Romanus eum regere iussit. Magna opera ab hoc rege incepta sunt--artes et artifices Etrusci Romam importati sunt, fundamenta (foundations) templi Iovis in Capitolio aedificata sunt. Eo tempore in regia prodigium mirabile (wonderful) fuit. Circum caput pueri dormientis (cui Servius Tullius fuit nomen) erant flammae. Regina Tanaquil, uxor Tarquini, dixit, "Lumen est omen. Hic puer nobis praesidium (protection, guard) erit." Ubi Tarquinius erat moribundus (dying), Tanaquil populo clamavit, "Illa divina flamma, dei hunc puerum esse regem iusserunt." Itaque morte Tarquini, imperio patrum, Servius Tullius rex factus est.Servius primum censum instituit et populum in classes (classes) pro opibus dividit. Ex censu officia belli pacisque postea constituta sunt. Tarquinius Priscus had been a private person.

Answer :


Translated from Latin language:"Use the following passage to answer the questions. Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, the Etruscan, the king wished to be made. The private and public appointments and kindness to everyone, the Roman control post. The works were begun by the king - Etruscan arts and crafts Rome, the foundation (foundations) of the Temple of Jupiter in the Capitol building. At that time, there was a wonderful (wonderful) was. Around the head of a sleeping boy (whose name was Servius Tullius) were flames. Queen Tauaquil, Tarquin, said, "The light is an omen. Here we have a child protection (protection guard) will be." When Tarquin was (dying), Tauaquil people, "that divine flame, god this boy become king." With the death of Tarquin, by the power of the Fathers, the first census instituted by Servius Tullius to the king, and the people made est. Servius into classes (classes) according to their wealth divides. The Census Bureau later determined to war and peace. Tarquin had been a private person."

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