Answer :
The correct answer is option b. "The receptor potential is carried by neuroglia".
Neuroglia is a term used to describe a class of cells which main function is to support the neurons. The term neuroglia include astrocytes, ependymal cells and oligodendrocyte. It is false to affirm that the receptor potential is carried by neuroglia, the receptor potential is carried out by the neurons.
b.The receptor potential is carried by neuroglia.
When receptor cells responded to a stimulus of touch, pressure,lights, (which is up to the threshold levels) they produce an action potential.Such potential generated by the cell is called Receptor potential.
They are transducers cells which converts different forms of stimulus to electrical signals in the neurons.
The reversal of charges due to stimuli of touch, smell, light or chemical substances cause depolarization and generates action potential. If this is up to the threshold levels, action potential is propagated along the sensory neuron to the cerebral cortex of the brain.
Neuroiglia are cells of the CNS and PNS. that provide support and protection to the neurons. They do not transmit electrical signals as action potential. The transmission of action potential is done by the sensory neurons.