Review the health care settings presented in Chapter 14 of your textbook (I listed below).

Which of the settings presented would you most want to work in, and why?
Describe the position you would like to hold. Briefly summarize your job duties.
Which of the settings presented would you least want to work in, and why?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Solo practitioners

• Chiropractors
• Dental practitioners
• Licensed complementary/alternative care providers
• Midlevel practitioners
• Nurse midwives
• Optometrists
• Physicians
• Podiatrists
• Psychologists/mental health workers

Ambulatory care practices

• Ambulatory surgery centers
• Cancer treatment centers
• Convenient care centers/retail medical clinics
• Diagnostic imaging centers
• Diagnostic sleep centers
• Diagnostic/therapeutic centers
• Endoscopy centers
• Medical/dental centers
• Mobile health units
• Outpatient rehabilitation centers
• Public health clinics
• Renal dialysis centers
• Rehabilitation centers
• Telehealth/nonsurgical centers
• Telehealth/surgical centers
• Urgent care centers

Governmental providers

• Correctional facilities
• Indian health services
• Military hospitals
• Veterans Administration health system

Answer :


Solo practitioners



Reason I would like to work under solo practitioners is that i want to be a simple manger without any form of salary from anybody under the health industry.

Physicians diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses. Physicians examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. They give advice to patients on hygiene, diet and preventive healthcare.


I would like to work in the field of optometry;


I  working as an optometrist, although the five senses that the human being possesses are all so important, I consider that the sense of sight is essential to retain and insert information that goes directly to the brain which processes quickly and helps the emotional and biological balance of the organism.

"When one looks at an object, before identifying it, that is, before knowing that it is a rabbit, an apple, a bird, a chair, etc., there have been several motor and sensory processes. From the areas of the thought or silent areas a sensory order is emitted in the form of an electrical stimulus which propagates to the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex in the frontal lobe.From this area said stimulus is directed to the centers of the gaze located in the middle brain and From here, the impulse continues to spread to the oculomotor nuclei and through the oculomotor nerves reaches the extraocular muscles, rotating both eyes towards the object of interest, therefore a part of the vision process is motor (Santos May 2005)

My duties as a professional would be:

  •  Detect visual loss (first filter before ophthalmological examination).
  •  Develop vision studies.
  • Determine refractive visual disorders and propose their correction.
  • Provide visual therapy and reeducation.
  • Management of optical instruments.
  • Performing diagnostic tests using imaging equipment.
  • Prescription and adaptation of eye glasses and / or glas

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