Copy the file (see Code Listing 4.1) from below these instructions. is incomplete. Since there is a large part of the program missing, the output will be incorrect if you run I have declared all the variables. You need to add code to simulate rolling the dice and keeping track of the doubles. Convert the algorithm below into Java code and place it in the main method after the variable declarations, but before the output statements. You will be using several control structures: a while loop and an if-else-if statement nested inside another if Use the indenting of the algorithm to help you decide what is included in the loop, what is included in the if statement, and what is included in the nested if-else-if statement. To "roll" the dice, use the nextInt method of the random number generator to generate an integer from 1 to 6.

Answer :




import java.util.Random;

public class Dice


private int spots; //the number of spots up on the die

private static Random generator;

//a random number generator use simulating rolling dice,

//shared by all dice, so that it will be as random as possible

//constructor creates a single die, inititally with no spots

public Dice()


//create an instance of the random

generator = new Random();

spots = 0;


//simulates rolling the die and stores the numbers rolled

public void roll()


//return 1,2,3,4,5, or 6

spots = generator.nextInt(6) + 1;


//return the value of the die

public int getSpots()


return spots;






public class DiceSimulation


public static void main(String [] args)


final int NUMBER = 10000; //the number of times the roll the dice

Dice die1 = new Dice(); //first die

Dice die2 = new Dice(); //second die

int die1Value; //the number of spots on the second die

int die2Value; //the number of spots on the first die

int count = 0; //number of times the dice were rolled

int snakeEye = 0; //number of times of snakes eyes is rolled

//number of times double two's, three's, four's, five's, six's

int twos = 0;

int threes = 0;

int fours = 0;

int fives = 0;

int sixes = 0;





int t1=die1.getSpots();


int t2=die2.getSpots();




else if(t1==2)twos++;

else if(t1==3)threes++;

else if(t1==4)fours++;

else if(t1==5)fives++;

else if(t1==6)sixes++;




//output to console

System.out.println("You rolled snake eyes " + snakeEye

+ " out of " + count + " rolls.");

System.out.println("You rolled double two " + twos

+ " out of " + count + " rolls.");

System.out.println("You rolled double threes " + threes

+ " out of " + count + " rolls.");

System.out.println("You rolled double fours " + fours

+ " out of " + count + " rolls.");

System.out.println("You rolled double fives " + fives

+ " out of " + count + " rolls.");

System.out.println("You rolled double sixes " + sixes

+ " out of " + count + " rolls.");




Sample output:

${teks-lihat-gambar} beingteenowfmao

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